The TIAM Framework


TIAM (the TIMES Integrated Assessment Model) is a bottom-up, technology rich, least-cost optimization, multi-regional global integrated assessment model, which is developed using the TIMES model generator of IEA-ETSAP.

  • Rapid construction of Global TIMES models that focus on particular countries or regions – to serve as worthy starting points for further refinement with country and domain experts.

  • Models are deployed online – fully functional via Internet Browsers.

    • Model building needs other tools, but incremental changes and runs can be performed online.


Why Tiam Framework?

  • Model building is time consuming especially with a rich framework like TIMES

  • Energy transition is increasingly complex

  • Need for different geographical coverage and aggregation

  • Need for flexibility – dynamic temporal resolution is often required in model testing so ideally ability to make this possible at run time

  • Not all research questions require the greatest detail possible

  • High quality granular data that provides a good starting point to be reviewed with country experts

  • Easy and full accessibility and control for domain experts to engage with. TIMES knowledge should NOT be a prerequisite.

Indices and tables